• Difesa

          Plant Protection

          The product range includes numerous formulations that can solve most of the problems created by insects, fungi and weeds.

        • Nutrizione

          Plant Nutrition

          Chemia offers a specialized range of products for achieving the best technical and economical results.

        • Private Label

          Private Label

          Chemia, thanks to its know-how is able to produce any type of formulation regarding plant protection products.

        • About us

          Founded in 1962, Chemia is one of the Italian historic brands of agro-chemistry.

        • Our history

          More than 60 years of experience in the formulation and marketing of crop protection products, fertilizers and biostimulants.

        • Quality

          Pursuit of high standards of quality, safety and respect for the environment.

        • Certifications

          The careful search for the best technological and organizational solutions for sustainable agricultural development.

        • Research and Development

          Chemia, always mindful of safety and the environment, creates formulations that are safe for handling and use.

        • Highlights

          Find out the numbers that represent us: dealers, distributors, countries, turnover and annual growth trend.

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  • Italian
        • Difesa

          Plant Protection

          The product range includes numerous formulations that can solve most of the problems created by insects, fungi and weeds.

        • Nutrizione

          Plant Nutrition

          Chemia offers a specialized range of products for achieving the best technical and economical results.

        • Private Label

          Private Label

          Chemia, thanks to its know-how is able to produce any type of formulation regarding plant protection products.

        • About us

          Founded in 1962, Chemia is one of the Italian historic brands of agro-chemistry.

        • Our history

          More than 60 years of experience in the formulation and marketing of crop protection products, fertilizers and biostimulants.

        • Quality

          Pursuit of high standards of quality, safety and respect for the environment.

        • Certifications

          The careful search for the best technological and organizational solutions for sustainable agricultural development.

        • Research and Development

          Chemia, always mindful of safety and the environment, creates formulations that are safe for handling and use.

        • Highlights

          Find out the numbers that represent us: dealers, distributors, countries, turnover and annual growth trend.

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  • Italian

Biocontrol V

Chromotropic trap coated with a non-drying glue


Può essere impiegato per le avversità indicate:

  1. Con EROGATORE per Ceratitis capitata
    • Mosca mediterranea (Ceratitis capitata)
  2. Con EROGATORE per Rhagoletis cerasi
    • Mosca delle Ciliegie (Rhagoletis cerasi)
  3. Con EROGATORE per Dacus oleae
    • Mosca delle olive (Dacus oleae) (Dacus oleae)
  4. Con EROGATORE per Ostrinia nubilalis
    • Piralide del Mais (Ostrinia nubilalis)
  5. Con EROGATORE per Anarsia lineatella
    • Anarsia (Anarsia lineatella)
  6. Con EROGATORE per Lymantria dispar
    • Limantria (Lymantria dispar)
  7. Con EROGATORE per Cydia molesta
    • Cidia o tignola orientale (Cydia molesta)
  8. Con EROGATORE per Orgyia antiqua
    • Orgia (Orgyia antiqua)
  9. Con EROGATORE per Cydia pomonella
    • Carpocapsa (Cydia pomonella)
  10. Con EROGATORE per Thaumetopoea pityocampa
    • Processionaria del Pino (Thaumetopoea pityocampa)
  11. Con EROGATORE per Epichoristodes acerbella
    • Bega del Garofano (Epichoristodes acerbella)
  12. Con EROGATORE per Synanthedon typhiaeformis
    • Sesia (Synanthedon typhiaeformis)
  13. Con EROGATORE per Agrotis ipsilon
    • Bruco tagliatore (Agrotis ipsilon)
  14. Con EROGATORE per Scolytus multistriatus
    • Scolitide dell'Olmo (Scolytus multistriatus) (Scolytus multistriatus)
  15. Con EROGATORE per Prays citri
    • Tignola della Zagara (Prays citri)
  16. Con EROGATORE per Lobesia botrana
    • Tignoletta della Vite (Lobesia botrana)
  17. Con EROGATORE per Eupoecilia ambiguella
    • Tignola della Vite (Eupoecilia ambiguella)
  18. Con EROGATORE per Ephestia kuehniella
    • Tignola grigia della Farina (Ephestia kuehniella)
  19. Con EROGATORE per Plodia interpunctella
    • Tignola fasciata delle Derrate (Plodia interpunctella)
  20. Con EROGATORE per Sitotroga cerealella
    • Vera tignola del Grano (Sitotroga cerealella)
  21. Con EROGATORE per Argyrotaenia pulchellana
    • Eulia (Argyrotaenia pulchellana)
  22. Con EROGATORE per Archips podanus
    • Cacecia dei frutti (Archips podanus)
  23. Con EROGATORE per Pandemis cerasana
    • Pandemis (Pandemis cerasana)
  24. Con EROGATORE per Cacoecimorpha pronubana
    • Tortrice mediterranea (Cacoecimorpha pronubana)
  25. Con EROGATORE per Heliothris armigera
    • Nottua gialla del Pomodoro (Heliothris armigera)
  26. Con EROGATORE per Agrotis segetum
    • Agrotis (Agrotis segetum)
  27. Con EROGATORE per Cossus cossus
    • Rodilegno rosso (Cossus cossus)
  28. Con EROGATORE per Zeuzera pyrina
    • Rodilegno giallo (Zeuzera pyrina)

Chemia S.p.a. - P.IVA 00040080384 - Registration number 00040080384 at Registro Imprese di Ferrara - Share Capital € 826.400,00 I.V. - Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy - Credits
